Class SentEmailsControllerApi




configuration: Configuration = ...


  • Delete all sent email receipts


    • Optional initOverrides: RequestInit

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Delete all sent email receipts


    • Optional initOverrides: RequestInit

    Returns Promise<ApiResponse<void>>

  • Returns a raw, unparsed, and unprocessed sent email. If your client has issues processing the response it is likely due to the response content-type which is text/plain. If you need a JSON response content-type use the getRawSentEmailJson endpoint Get raw sent email string. Returns unparsed raw SMTP message with headers and body.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns a raw, unparsed, and unprocessed sent email. If your client has issues processing the response it is likely due to the response content-type which is text/plain. If you need a JSON response content-type use the getRawSentEmailJson endpoint Get raw sent email string. Returns unparsed raw SMTP message with headers and body.


    Returns Promise<ApiResponse<void>>

  • Returns a raw, unparsed, and unprocessed sent email wrapped in a JSON response object for easier handling when compared with the getRawSentEmail text/plain response Get raw sent email in JSON. Unparsed SMTP message in JSON wrapper format.


    Returns Promise<RawEmailJson>